How to use the Moodle platform

Moodle is an open source learning platform, designed to provide educators, administrators, researchers and learners a secure and integrated system so as to create personalized learning environments. It is used for blended learning, distance education, and other e-learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces and other sectors. In particular, Moodle is used by educators and trainers in order to create online courses and achieve learning goals.

Each post-graduate student of this MSc will receive an institutional e-mail (<user> and have access to the Moodle platform, through a personal account, as soon as their registration is completed. Each student will receive audio-visual material on the proper use of the Moodle platform. In addition, he/she will be trained online and onsite on every aspect of its function, such as downloading of educational material, blogging, construction of wikis, submission of assignment and thesis, etc.